five ideas for raw engagement sesh memories

June 21, 2022

I have changed up my editing style time and time again, but how I shoot will always remain the same. I may be biased, but I think creating raw, real, memories vs posed and perfect images, is a million percent the way to go. this quick and easy read blog post is going to be my top five ideas for raw engagement sesh memories and how to capture them.

01. go on an adventure.

obviously make it something that the couple loves to do already. for example, if they are big indoor people, don’t take them out to the red rocks haha. but by taking them on an adventure to do something they already love doing, they are not only going to be super comfortable, but also going to have a ton of fun. I’ve personally found that a lot of times I do engagement sessions for my couples, they show up a little nervous! for a lot of them, this is the first time they’re having professional photos done as a couple. so the more you can do to make it a fun, and relaxing experience, the better the photos are going to turn out I promise!

02. do something super playful.

wether it be getting into the water and splashing around, making pancakes in your kitchen, or going apple picking. the more they can channel their inner child, the more natural giggles you’re going to capture.

03. do a regular, real life thing.

like going out for pizza and beer. if you can’t think of something to do for their session, ask them what they love to do together. if pizza and beer is a weekly staple in their relationship, then that deserves a part of their engagement session.

04. make them get a littttttle out of their comfort zone and bond.

my favorite way to do that? make them get in the water with their clothes on, and dont tell them ahead of time you were planning on asking them to do that hahah. sorry guys! but look at these pics!

05. do something that has steps.

the best way to deliver a gallery that shows bonding, progression and connection, is to do something that has step by step instructions. and im not talking about building ikea furniture. unless thats their favorite pastime. but for example, going surfing. they arrive, check the water temperature, strip down, get their boards down. then they walk to the water, jump in, paddle around. they’ll get out, wrap each other in towels. see where im going here?

the session below I actually have the entire gallery shared on my blog! if you want to see more of lane and Michael, click here!

I hope this post sparked some fuel in ya to get creative and push new boundaries in yourself that you’ve set for your sessions. for myself, I try to make every single one I do different than the last so it truly only displays the couples connection and what’s unique to their relationship. love these ideas and want to recreate with your honey? well good news! engagements aren’t the only reason you should do a session with your significant other. lifestyle couples sessions are one of my favorite things! so lets chat! reach out to me via my contact form on my site, linked here for ease! chat soon babes!

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